Hyde Park Main St. Action Plan The Connect Hyde Park Project has been completed! The final report and Appendix are available below. As with any plan, its highest value comes from a commitment to implementing its recommendations and actions. The Town and Village are seeking community members who are interested in helping take action and make Hyde Park a more vibrant place to live. For more information, contact Ron Rodjenski at ron@hydeparkvt.com. Download the Hyde Park Main St. Action Plan Appendix A: Hyde Park Market Analysis and Strategy Recommendations The D&K Team has completed an analysis of Hyde Park’s economy which will help inform the action items and next steps for the Town and Village of Hyde Park in the Main Street Action Plan. This report is a snapshot of data collected from September 2018-January 2019. The savvy reader will recognize that some of the recommendations in the report have already happened, which is very exciting! You can download the report below. Download the Hyde Park Market Analysis and Strategy Recommendations Report