January 30, 2020 The Hyde Park Main St. Action Plan is complete! This master plan marks the end of 16 months of effort from community volunteers, consultants and stakeholders, as we worked to identify the key investments that should be made in the Village and Town to encourage economic vitality, active recreation and community building. The Plan includes a review of how far we’ve come, with a look at all of the exciting and enjoyable public engagement that took place, a deep review of our “existing conditions,” the process we used to develop our action items and, of course, the action plan itself. The tasks set forth in the Action Plan focus on six priorities: Leadership and Community BuildingPrioritizing PedestriansBuilding “Green Streets”Supporting the Local EconomyEnhancing existing assetsDigging Once To read more, go to the Data & Results section of this web site. With the release of this Action Plan, its time for Hyde Park to roll up our sleeves and get to work implementing the Plan. One of our first steps (and one of the first tasks in the Action Plan) is to organize a Committee to support implementation of the Master Plan. If you are interested joining this committee or are interested in volunteering to help during special events, please contact Ron Rodjenski at ron@hydeparkvt.com. The Hyde Park Working Group would like to thank the Agency of Transportation, Agency of Commerce and Community Development and Department of Health for their support on this project. We would also like to thank our consultants, DuBois & King, inc., Camoin Associates, and Community Workshop for their effort. Lastly, we want to thank the volunteers and community members who have participated in this project and helped it move Hyde Park forward.