The Hyde Park Main St. Action Plan is complete! This master plan marks the end of 16 months of effort from community volunteers, consultants and stakeholders, as we worked to identify the key investments that should be made in the Village and Town to encourage economic vitality, active recreation and community building. The Plan includes… Read More

The draft Main Street Action Plan is now available for review and public comment. This master plan marks the culmination of more than a year’s worth of work analyzing existing conditions, considering and reviewing alternatives, engaging with the public and state and local officials. The purpose of this master plan is to create a “playbook”… Read More

Come explore and celebrate Hyde Park at our first village Fun Day and try our new pop-up local history trail. Hyde Park Fun Day runs from 10 AM – 3 PM on Saturday June 15, throughout Hyde Park Village. Stop at a Rail Trail access point or the Fork & Gavel for a schedule and… Read More

The Connect Hyde Park project focuses on three key components of Village Planning and Revitalization, transportation, streetscaping and economic development.  To get a complete picture of what the local economy looks like, DuBois & King brought Camoin associates to Hyde Park to conduct an economic assessment and offer suggested actions that will be incorporated into… Read More

The Connect Hyde Park Project has been moving forward at a steady pace over the past several months.  The Resident and Visitor survey received over 80 responses, which is providing some useful information to Camoin Associates, our economic development consultant – more to come on this in January in February when DuBois and King reports… Read More

One of the key pieces of the Connect Hyde Park Project is to improve our understanding of why people come to the Village of Hyde Park, and if they don’t – what would make them more likely to?  Our first step in answering this question, is to ask you!  If you live, work or visit… Read More

Hyde Park Home Day was a strong success and an excellent start to the process! On Saturday morning, the Connect Hyde Park team staked out a prime location in the center of the Home Day celebration in the Village of Hyde Park, many thanks to the Home Day organizing team for finding us a great… Read More

The Connect Hyde Park project will be at Home Day on Saturday, September 15th, 2018.  There are a few ways you can connect with us to find out more about the project and to see how you can participate. Come see us at our booth!The Connect Hyde Park Project will be at Home Day!  Look… Read More

The Town and Village of Hyde Park, led by a Working Group made up of residents and officials, have kicked off a 14-month effort to develop an Action Plan that will provide the community with a “road map” to implementing infrastructure improvements, enhancing a sense of place and encouraging economic vitality. The project is seeking… Read More